
Gắng Lên
Thích Trừng Sỹ
Thời gian Học Viện sắp hết rồi
Chớp nhoáng bốn năm tợ nước trôi
Nếu ai bỏ lở cơ hội ấy
Thì sau hối tiếc cũng vậy thôi.

Make an additional effort

(By Ven. Thich Trung Sy)

The time at the Academic Institute is nearing the end of the Course
Lightning speed of four academic years is like drift water.
If those who miss the good chance,
Later regret they could not do anything when the Course elapsed.

Make an additional effort

The time at the Academic Institute is nearing the end of the Course

Lightning speed of four academic years is like drift water.

If those who miss the good chance,

Later regret they could not do anything when the Course elapsed.

Thích Trừng Sỹ

Mái trường Học Viện của chúng ta
Thấm thoát giờ đây bốn năm qua
Nhớ Thầy nhớ lớp nhớ bạn cũ
Giờ đây đành phải lại cách xa.

(By Ven. Thich Trung Sy)

The roof of our Academic Institute
Passing quickly by now got four last years
Missing teachers, classes and old friends
Now accepting to say goodbye to one another.

The roof of our Academic Institute
 Passing quickly by now got four last years
 Missing teachers, classes and old friends

Now accepting to say goodbye to one another.